Conception : Fanny de Chaillé
Interpretation : Grégoire Monsaingeon
Scenography : Nadia Lauro
Sound engineer : Manuel Coursin
Technical direction and lights Willy Cessa
Lights : Mael Iger
Production diffusion: Isabelle Ellul

Duration : 55 minutes


Since always, the mountain gives me a sensation of dizziness, of imbalance which is in the center of this project: play on this scale report and write a solo for a disproportionate space. The image on the basis of the show is Caspar David Friedrich’s painting, Traveler over the cloud sea. A man from behind, on a summit, in front of the emptiness- we can easily foresee the rest, rather tragic. inspired by romantic images and major comic’s figures, Chut question humain fragility through more and more absolute stunts. Registered in a visual installation of Nadia Lauro: a”anamorphic fiction” which, from the point of vue of terraces, gives the feeling of a relief scene. Chut questions the theatrical illusion in the name of absolute loyalty to reality, a taste for the literality of things.

Production Association Display

Coproduction Espace Malraux, Scène nationale de Chambéry et de la Savoie, le CND, un centre d’art pour la danse, les Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, le Centre Chorégraphique National de Tours, direction Thomas Lebrun (dans le cadre de l’accueil studio)
With the support of ARCADI Île-de-France / Dispositifs d’accompagnements
With the support of association Beaumarchais-SACD, bourse d’écriture et aide à la production, and ministère de la culture et de la communication – DRAC Ile-de-France as part of l’aide à la compagnie.