Conception : Fanny de Chaillé
Based on the Letter of lord Chandos of Hugo von Hofmannsthal*
Stage design and costumes : Nadia Lauro
Sound engineer : Manuel Coursin
Lights : Willy Cessa
With Guillaume Bailliart, Christine Bombal, Christophe Ives, Grégoire Monseingeon
Production // diffusion: Isabelle Ellul

Duration : 1h

*Lettre de Lord Chandos de Hugo Von Hofmannsthal // Trad. from the german (Austria) by Jean-Claude Schneider Collection Poésie/Gallimard (n°264), Gallimard


A musician, a scenographer, actors and dancers are gathered to make Le Groupe and explore La lettre de Lord Chandos. Fanny de Chaillé, who questioned in her creations our relation to language and its organic extension, find in this centenarian and extraordinarly modern text a field of expertise. Choosing to transform this private confession into a public show, she supplies her thought on language’s power and impasses, offering for the stage a surprising physical translation of a text. This work of art is like a shield against dispossession of meaning to which our modern society is exposed to.

Production Association Display
Coproduction with l’Espace Malraux, Scène nationale de Chambéry et de la Savoie, les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou, le Festival d’Automne à Paris, le Parc de la Villette dans le cadre des résidences d’artistes 2014, le Carré, les Colonnes – scène conventionnée Saint-Médard-en-Jalles et Blanquefort, le Centre dramatique national de Haute-Normandie, le Musée de la Danse, Centre Chorégraphique National de Rennes et de Bretagne
With the support of the
Ménagerie de Verre, Paris dans le cadre des studiolabs and the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, DRAC Ile-de-France as part of l’aide à la Compagnie.